If you're on RHEL6 / CentOS6 you might have json_reformat handy from the yajl package ("yet another json library").
But say, maybe you're on an older RHEL5 / CentOS5 box, what do you do? Well it turns out you can probably run it through python to split it out into something grepable.
curl -s http://cbserver:8091/pools | python -mjson.tool
"componentsVersion": {
"ale": "8cffe61",
"inets": "5.6",
"kernel": "2.14.4",
"mnesia": "4.4.19",
"ns_server": "1.8.1-937-rel-enterprise",
"os_mon": "2.2.6",
"sasl": "",
"stdlib": "1.17.4"
"implementationVersion": "1.8.1-937-rel-enterprise",
"isAdminCreds": false,
"pools": [
"name": "default",
"streamingUri": "/poolsStreaming/default",
"uri": "/pools/default"
"uuid": "43f16796-d591-409b-a831-889eeac86984"